
What is your topic and who is the target audience?

I want to do a project based on the whole seal where people have to go to different locations and upload pictures (either with or without themselves) of seal elements online. They can see others' pictures as well and comment about the place they visited.

Do you plan to work with a partner? If so, who?

I feel like I'm fine with either working with a partner or alone. Both sound like great options. If I'm working with a partner it would probably be somebody who's also interested in a photo-based scavenger hunt.

What are some of the features you imagine your project/product would include?

I'd like a 'Seal Element near you' map function which would show cartoon versions of the things they need. I'd like the locations to have a collectable feel to them, in which they earn each Seal Element they manage to take a picture of. I also think it would be cool to have some informational pieces about each element they visit as well as links to more resources to learn about them.

Are there possible tangents, challenges, concerns, or vague ideas related to your ideas?

I don't know how easy it would be to work with and track a user's location. I also think possibly including some AR related stuff to the locations would be fun but don't know about feasibility for the timeframe.